Dingle Fingle Clown Stunt Academy Goes To SIAD
Dingle Fingle Stunt Academy goes to the Summer in Abu Dhabi Kids Festival!
Dingle Fingle takes a slapstick troupe of clowns to perform like Mr Bean and Jim Carrey in hilarious knock about comedy routines in Abu Dhabi at he Summer In Abu Dhabi Festival.
The Children learn hands on how its done! Like on the stage or in the movies.
A family show that every one can enjoy!
The Dingle Fingle Clown Stunt Academy provides complete comedy action thrill show plus academy for schooling.
Children learn various slapstick stunt moves safely taught by very capable instructors that have been instructed by Dingle Fingle himself.
With characters like Mr Prig, Sam Man, Tim Wit and Plug that perform fantasic stunt routines like cartoons, who would not want to see it?
Visit the site page here for more information on Dingle Fingle Clown Stunt Academy Going To SIAD
Join the Stunt Academy presented by the UK’s Top clown troupe Dingle Fingle.
Hope to see you at the Summer In Abu Dhabi 2012 Festival
Visit The Summer In Abu Dhabi Web Site Here
Dingle Fingle Stop press: 25th June.
The Dingle Fingle Clowns have been posing for the press and making headlines by putting the reporter through the paces of the academy.
Read what Juian Pletts has to say about his experience!
It is great to see, though, that good old-fashioned slapstick is also drawing in large crowds with the Dingle Fingle Clown Stunt Academy and show.
Do you have what it takes to clown around with the best of them? Insider gave it a go and joined Dingle Fingle’s colourful characters for some grade-A capers:
“Put that down. Stand up straight. Stop clowning around!!”
If you’re anything like me – rambunctious, as a youngster – this will have been yelled at you on countless occasions. Maybe that’s why I jumped at the chance to do some sanctioned clowning around with ‘Mr Prigg’, ‘Plug’ and ‘Saman’ – the three clowns who are delighting crowds daily at ADNEC. I meet the larger-than-life trio in front of their equally larger-than-life set.
While I half expected an hour in make-up to perfect my crazy clown face, I am told the show and academy – set up by UK master-clown ‘Dingle Fingle’ – are more about slapstick and physical comedy routines with some serious circus tricks jumbled in for good measure.
While I half expected an hour in make-up to perfect my crazy clown face, I am told the show and academy – set up by UK master-clown ‘Dingle Fingle’ – are more about slapstick and physical comedy routines with some serious circus tricks jumbled in for good measure.
We start off with a funky warm-up, shaking our limbs wildly and doing silly circles with our hips. Then Saman, who looks like a cross between a chimney sweep and an escaped convict in his red stripes and dungarees, starts my ‘clown-ucation’ by demonstrating three types of comedy falls. Invoking my inner-Bozo I bound along, trip myself up, throw myself on the mat and go head over heels because of that darned imaginary banana skin.
‘Falling over, that’s easy’ I can imagine you thinking. Well yes it is, but selling it with a comedy landing while pulling the perfect face, that’s the hard part.”
The Academy was visited by Arabic Royalty and comments were favourable.
Please Link & Like Dingle Fingle on Face Book if you have seen the show.