Thanks to all the superstar crime fighters who helped us catch us Slippery Sid in Shrewsbury!
BUT… He got away again!
He really IS slippery, isn’t he!
Take heart though, because he’s been spotted in Mirfield.
Hardly surprising, seeing as how they have a BIG county show on this coming weekend, and you know Slippery Sid just can’t resist anywhere where there’s cars he can make a buck from!
So, we’re off to the Mirfield show to nab him again.
Can you help us?
You’ll need to infiltrate the crowd, but we can assure you’ll have a lot of fun at the same time, especially as children get in FREE, and adults only have to pay £5.00.
Not only is that a bargain for a full day of frolics, you’ll also be doing your bit to help us fight crime!
Check out what’s on here:
And here’s how to get to Mirfield:
Join us for lots of crime fighting fun, and so much more!